Online streaming services make it so hard to find shows in a foreign language. There’s no easy way to filter by language. You have to go through each show, play it, and check if the audio comes in your language. It’s so frustrating.
This is how I figured out how to get Disney+ to only show movies and shows that come in Portuguese. Just FYI, sometimes shows will only come in Portuguese subtitles but not audio. Let’s go!
Step 1: Sign in, click the Profile button on the top right hand corner, and select “Add profile”.
You can see that I already made a profile called “Portuguese”. This is where I find all the Portuguese shows. I’ll show you how to make one of these.

Step 2: Choose your avatar

Step 3: Give it a name and turn on the “Child profile” option

Step 4: Save it and it will send you to this page. Click “edit profiles” at the top right hand side.

Step 5: Now click your new profile to edit it.

Step 6: In the “Application Language” scroll through the languages until you find your target language. This will turn all the text into your target language.

Step 7: Scroll down and make sure that the “Child profile” option is still turned on. It won’t work without this turned on. Save it.

Step 8: Now all the shows are in Portuguese. Becuase this is a “child’s profile” Disney won’t show movies that aren’t in Portuguese but it also won’t show you the more adult movies that come in Portuguese. I haven’t found a solution for finding those shows easily. Remember, the text will be in Portuguese as well. I switched it to English for this tutorial.

Also, just a quick note, Disney+ has movies in both Portugal Portuguese and Brazilian Portuguese. When you go to change the audio, there will be a long list of languages. Brazilian Portuguese will say “Portuguese – Brazil” while Portugal Portuguese will just say “Portuguese”. I found that even though I specified this profile to only show Brazilian Portuguese, it will also show movies that come in Portugal Portuguese, but not Brazilian Portuguese.
I hope that helped! Hopefully they will make this easier in the future.